Thursday, October 16, 2008

I *DID* it

So have you heard? I came, I saw, I conquered. I won't go so far as to say I kicked that Portland Marathon's trash because I think the reverse may have happened.

By the time I crossed the finish line the marathon banners were down and they were decorating for Christmas. OK not really but close. They were all still there waiting with open arms as Amy and I crossed that finish line bruised, broken, maybe a little tear stained.

We were immediately given a medal and wrapped in space blankets for our trip down the gauntlet of 12 year old volunteers. We were then presented with all the traditional gifts only in multiples. I think they were anxious to clean up and go home for I received not one Oregon Conifer seedling but a bag of 20, not one rose but a whole handful, a wide sea of arms handing us Orange Juice, candy, snacks, the whole nine yards. It was an amazing ordeal. Amy said it was both the best and worst experience of her life and I might agree that it came close to both of those for me too.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

7 Days and counting...

Holy cow! I forgot all about this page since I haven't logged into Blogger for a 'coons age. Marathon is in a week and I have been training as much as I can all summer, though not as much as I ought. Que sera. It is what it is and I have given up speed goals instead concerning myself with nothing beyond just finishing it. Finishing.

I have really enjoyed the training aspect for the most part and am a little sad that two weeks from now I will no longer have a motivating reason to fit it into my schedule. There is something about just being up and outside to watch the sunrise while listening to music and taking deep decadent breaths. It has done wonders for clearing the goo out of my head. For the first eight miles you just can't wipe the grin off my face. I have contemplated the prospect of making this an annual event (I also am considering doing the Iron Girl triathlon next May in Las Vegas but that is a post for another day...) and maybe taking the kids next time and turning it into a family vacay.

In any case, Amy and I fly to Portland next Friday morning and if nothing else I am excited to have four kid-free days in a city I love with my oldest and dearest girlfriend. Well that and the down comforters at the Downtown Marriott ;). So I am pretty excited. I am excited for the race too. The idea of it has been this constant companion following me everywhere for the last year that it is hard to believe it is really here. I hope I can finish it. Actually I know I can finish it, my real hope is that I can finish it with my only complaints being utter exhaustion and achyness rather that excruciating pain and injury. Wish me luck. I will need it.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

The post where Summer clones herself just for someone to talk to.

It might very well be the definition of "geek" to read the post by the only other contributor (and reader for that matter, LOL) of this blog and get a wee bit excited to see my name (or rather initial) dropped in a post. The internal brain dialog went a little like, "Oooh, I'M FAMOUS, I got a mention," to be followed a nano-second later by, "LOL are you seriously DIM???? This is you're blog you dumb git look around your name is all over, plus you are the only person that reads it LOL," to which followed my typical response of giggling. I am my own best entertainment.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Getting started (Eileen)

S. has been really good about walking on her treadmill and I haven't done squat. So we went to Vegas this past weekend (hubby and I) and walked and walked until my blisters had blisters and were inviting over all their blister buddies to have a party in my shoes. Today, the weather says clear and a high of 47 which sounds like a great temperature to walk to pick up Vin from school. That's a 1.6+ mile round-trip walk. The boys will enjoy it too, and it'll get us out of the house and into the crisp air and sunshine. I got some new walking shoes (hence blisters) and plan to start picking up Vin from school on foot, weather permitting, from this point forward. I will also begin doing daily walks in the morning, before everyone gets up. I figure I may as well make my insomnia work for me, right? So next time I'm up at 4:30 in the morning, I'll go for a walk around 6am and be back by 7am to wake everyone up. Until then...

Thursday, January 10, 2008

A post, a post, my kingdom for a post.

So first off, I thought I was being a funny, wise-acre by making my name Mix Master Shizzle P. but as it turns out it not only applies to my posting on this site but also to any other other blog I happen to post a comment to. So I feel a little bit an idjiottt right now--or would if I weren't giggling so hard.

As far as walking is concerned I completed the "Inaugural Portland Marathon Training For Two Blogger 3K Walk." (I told the organizers the title was too long but they wouldn't budge on that one--apparently the trophies were already engraved.) Anyway it was not bad. I have better walks. This one had lousy scenery, the highlight being the dust collecting in the sill of the window nearest my treadmill. On the upside I didn't have to don snow boots.

My immediate goal is simply to make walking a daily habit. I am not too worried about increasing speed or endurance so much as just getting into a schedule routine. Once that is better established I will kick off the training schedule in earnest.

  • Location - Treadmill at mi casa
  • Distance - 1.8 mi
  • Speed - 3.2 mph
  • Incline - 2.0
  • Supplemental Flavoring - The movie "Stardust"